Wednesday, November 5, 2008

one day in india too............we shall have prime minister from oppressed class

i have a dream too....................................... like Martin Luther King had...............................................................................

" india will vote a person from the oppressed class of india to the country's highest political post"

Martin Luther King and ambedkar

The life of Indian leader Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was exceptional. Born in 1891 - - the 14th child of a subedaar -- he rose from being an impoverished village boy to become a lawyer, politician and  author of India's constitution. Along the way he overcame extreme discrimination and humiliation, acquired degrees in economics and law from Columbia and London universities, and led the struggle of India's untouchables (known as Dalits or the oppressed) for dignity and justice. Shortly before his death in 1956, Ambedkar, disillusioned with Hinduism, converted to Buddhism. He had to fight for everything that we take for granted and he was untiring. He also suffered a lot, but his desire to study, to learn, was undiminished. Furthermore, his intellectual achievements were very impressive. He became, for instance, an authority on the constitutions of the world. That's how he stands out from other national leaders of that period. Ambedkar was also constantly humiliated so he developed a distrust of people. He had to fight not only with the British but also with his own countrymen, with people from his own religion, and with leaders of the Congress Party. On issues relating to people of his own caste, he had to confront Mahatma Gandhi and later, after becoming India's first law minister, he had to confront (former Prime Minister Jawaharlal) Nehru's government on the issue of reforming Hindu law. His social and political struggle is of great relevance today, not just in India, but internationally. This man's life embodied the struggle for human rights, for equality, for social justice. He stands right there in history next to leaders like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King.

Ambedkar was a great leader and scholar -- he was well-versed in economics, law, anthropology and philosophy. Tell me the name of a leader from any community today who has such scholarly achievements along with popular appeal?

obama and ambedkar

Befor sitting on judgement on Obama and speculating about his future actions, It is better if we read his immensely readable memoirs-"Dreams from my father'(1996, reissued in 2004) and a beautiful volume of well thought essays-The audacity of hope'(2007) to get a fair idea of the new president elect of USA and how he has travelled so far-we would get a lesson for our great but still immature democracy and perhaps these two introspective books ( need to be translated in Indian languages to reach the masses) would propel our young generation ( about 300 million young voters) to change the face of Indian politics-India is destined to become a great and mature democracy if we are all optimistic and continue to inspire our youngsters to emulate Obama-irrespective of our differences with USA-what has won there is the spirit of democracy-Babasaheb Ambedkar ( and many others who worshipped democracy) would have been proud of Obama's election, if he were to be alive today...India salutes the spirit of American democracy on this day

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

dalit entrepreneur

when i was a kid my mother used to always discourage me whenever i spoke of becoming a  entrepreneur........................" buisiness is not for us" thats what she used to tell me..............

if one sees the surge of entrepreneur in india representations from dalit community is negligeble. story of the oppresed class is same throughout
the world....................there is not even a single african-american human in forbes 500 list...!!!!!!!!!!!!!

reason?????? the oppressing class is lagging grabbing the opportunities................because of thier disadvantageous background. if once they become leading entrepreneu r the equality could be a possibility....

waiting for that time to come.....................................

rationalism and caste system........................

...............................the best therapy for casteism is rationalism and atheism..........................

when the god through which u the hindu religion if u r from lower caste system u will be never be able to have the required confidence , ur self................................................................................................

so give the thought.............................u might get surprised.....................aceepting rationalism and atheism.......................u can easily come out of the web of hindu caste system